JUNE 07, 2019 • NEWS
Out in Lithgow they really are designed to perform and built to last as the Lithgow Aged Care team conquer the snow and plough through the weather this week. A few brave souls made it into the office, although this took 2.5hours instead of 40mins, and the site definitely was a beautiful shade of white. For some this was their first snow sighting which they thought was fun until they realised they had to keep the build going. There was plenty of supervision from some additional team members and some are currently still onsite, although a lot skinnier.
Ground floor slab has been completed which has enabled the completion of the AFS walls and the commencement of the Ultrafloor. The Lithgow team anticipate undertaking their next concrete pour mid next week which is great progress.
The little flurry of weather will not stop the Lithgow team from meeting their target and will keep pushing forward to exceed expectations.