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July 29 2020 • NEWS

Lithgow Aged Care Project Achieves Practical Completion

Our Lithgow Aged Care Project has reached Practical Completion! The project took a total of 16 months and was completed ahead of schedule. Our scope consisted of design finalisation and construction of a 36 bed, 2-floor aged care building, including lower ground car parking, and a services infrastructure plantroom containing the main switchroom, communications room, fire pumps and water storage tanks with the addition of a boardroom in preparation for the next stage. The final construction included ramps and pathways connecting to the existing facilities to allow for smooth transition between the buildings.

The project team, from their vast experience of similar projects, was able to value-engineer aspects of the project in consultation with the end user, including Ultrafloor and AFS to allow for an efficient structural solution and improve construction time onsite, which also met the client’s brief and expectations. Congratulations to all involved!

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