Modern aged care construction
The Opal Age Care facility is a new 156 bed Aged Care Residence within the city of Bathurst. The project falls under the NCC’s 9c building classification and consists of a 2 storey residential Aged Care Facility, comprising of 146 bedrooms, external 46 space car park, café, hair salon, commercial kitchen, commercial laundry, administration areas, specialised dementia care areas, lounge and dining spaces for residents, and an extensive outdoor landscape areas which include a ‘Men’s Shed’, vegetable gardens and extensive pathways.
The completed Opal Age Care Bathurst project represents excellence in modern day Aged Care construction. It is a keystone of Opal’s presence in the Central West of NSW and the completed project has drawn high praise from its residents and staff. The construction process was a prime example of competent construction – it was finished on time, within budget and without any lost time Injury.
Completion Date
Award winning
2019 MBA Regional Excellence in Building Awards – Western Region
- Commercial Projects over $15m

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