12 December l 2023 • NEWS

National Skin Cancer Action Week is a time that highlights that we need to do more to promote sun protection. With 2 in 3 Australians diagnosed with skin cancer, this is a great time to organize skin cancer checks at work.
At our St Aloysius’ College, Milsons Point project, we have had Skin Patrol checking over our team and subcontractors and offering this vital service to the school next door.
Some very sobering skin cancer facts:
- Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world despite it being one of the most preventable cancers
- Approximately 2 in 3 Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer during their lifetime.
- Sadly, around 2000 Australians will die from this disease this year.
- It is estimated that almost twice as many men as women will die from melanoma this year alone.
Info thanks to Cancer Council Australia